Saturday, November 15, 2014

The End....?

The end?....The END?

Yes, as the title implies, this blog entry is a farewell to the formal entries I have been posting since the beginning. Over the course of running this blog, I have attempted to give validation to the art of Let's Plays because I view them as something truly special and important to the World of the internet. I have argued my stance of how Let's Play channels are a new form of improv comedy, have recommended and advertised content creators and have given insights to the production of Let's Play channels. I can only hope that I was able to give those uninformed a new style of comedy to enjoy.

This entire blog was actually a giant assignment from one of my classes in college. Professor Herndl tasked us to blog about something we are interested in. To start a conversation on the world wide web that has yet to be started. It was with this, that I decided to talk about one of my passions that I love being a part of, and I hope you enjoyed me sharing that passion with you. This blog while an assignment, was truly a lot of fun to work on and put together and I hope you all enjoyed it to the very end. Thank you all so much for reading.

The End....

....Or is it?

Yeah, I'm sorry. That's cliche I know, But this technically is the end - for the formal posts at least. From this point I'm going to allow you all to decide whether Let's Plays are truly a form of comedy or not on your own. My point has been argued and that part is over

This post is a transitional period. I'm switching gears! If you recall, I've made mentions here and there of my own project. Originally, my project was supposed to be launched in the fall and accompany my formal posts by giving insight from my own experiences. But as with many independent productions, there are delays. This ranged from sorting out technical issues, to getting assets from third parties to just being a college kid having to focus on college things.

But now, as we're getting closer to launch, I feel this is the best time to officially unveil my project that I have been working closely with a friend on for over two years.

Ladies and gentlemen, here is our new show!

Snazzy logo isn't it? Welcome to Alternate Buttons! If you haven't noticed, this has been the title of the blog all along! So I guess I leaked it early then eh? 

This show is a collaboration between my friend Anand Rehsi and myself. This is a duo team Let's Play channel that takes inspiration from the silly antics of Game Grumps and combines it with the the completion, formal style of Chuggaaconroy. The goal is to essentially combine the aforementioned Old and New styles! 

We still don't have firm launch date but we're confident we'll be able to launch by the end of the year. Early 2015 at the absolute worst. 

The blog will be on temporary hiatus until the launch of the project though you can bet once we're ready, we'll start posting again with news of our show, commentary as well as our own episodes.

We've both been working on this project for a long time, so we're excited to finally launch it soon! 

Oh and if you have time, please check out Jasleen Rehsi! She's the supremely talented artist responsible for our logo. Her work is absolutely incredible, so give her site a look! You won't be disappointed. 

Thank you all again and please stay tuned!


  1. I'm very sad and disappointed to see this blog end. Unfortunate, all good things have a ending. I enjoy your blog and I hope nothing for the best for you and success you going to have in the Future.

  2. I read some of your posts throughout the last 9 weeks, and I have to say they were very interesting. It's great that you were able to write something that you're very passionate about. I figure a good number of people out there don't care for video games and let's plays and think they're just for nerds. I think let's plays are funny sometimes and really helpful if you're stuck somewhere in a game. Keep doing what you love, and best of luck!
